TRIYOU Online is a Ukrainian-Polish-German workshop for multipliers of international youth projects.
Our agency chose the platform for the online workshop, communicated with the participants and provided technical assistance, logistical support for the festival online in the times of pandemic and offline before the pandemic, including simultaneous translation on the Zoom in platform.
TRIYOU (Trilateral Youth Exchange) is an initiative and an online portal. It is aimed at everyone who is interested in youth exchanges between Germany, Poland and Ukraine. The forum provides an opportunity for all interested to establish new contacts, find common ideas and develop projects. It offers a space for creation and promotion of tripartite youth exchanges.
The main goal of the workshop was to support multipliers in adapting youth meetings to online and/or combined formats and plan for 2021. This assistance includes the development of sustainable educational programs for tripartite online projects.
Organizers: Deutsch-Polnisches Jugendwerk – Polsko-Niemiecka Wspolpraca Młodzieży, Insha Osvita, proto produkciia.